Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dec. 21, 1st day of Winter. White Christmas is starting, and I love it. Snow all over Utah County, we had close to a foot. Brenda made a snowman and she says the snow is half her size. Tanner and friend shoveled snow longer than a hour. Quit snowing for now, looks really pretty, love the snow in Utah because we know how to clean up snow here. Few pictures.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Well here it is a few days before Christmas, and I am having a hard time getting the Christmas, it will be the first Christmas in 11 years that Tiara and Colton haven't been with us. They are safe in Kentucky, and now looking for a new life. I just hope things go well for them. They will miss me I know, LOL, because I am the bomb. They are great kids, as are all my grandkids, I am proud of all they do and the things they have accomplished and are doing in their lives. No one could have greater grandkids. Kincade and Hunter were baptized and we had three families together. I being the only grandmother of both. Kristopher was in the play at Timpanogas, It was footloose and it was great. We are lucky to still have Tanner with us.