Tuesday, August 12, 2008

the trial of the boat

well the third time is not the charm. We took the boat out the first time and it took on lots of water, so back home we went. The second time, we had a great time and as we were heading into shore, something went pop and then we were pulled in my the harbor patrol. Well today, after getting a new prop, we were out and then pop and whoosh and we were done, managed to limp into shore and then we were headed home. Next time we will be able to have all the fun we can stand, hope to have all the bugs out. All them a story to tell and we will laugh about in the future. Last week we had Burts kids while they were in Hawaii and still had them today. Brads kids were also here at the same time. It was great fun, but I surely can fill my age. Carolyn is having a scope on her knee tomorrow and so the kids are at different aunts until burt gets home on Thurs. It has been fun to have Hunter, he usually doesn't like me so much, but we have become great friends. Well school starts next week and it will be exciting.


Lemme said...

aawwwww....i miss those kids!

bonfufu said...

what a bummer! Good luck on the next voyage!

Glad to have all the little ones scampering up and down, in and out. They are all so cute, can't wait to see them in September!

Pherf said...

What is wrong with that boat. Next time you guys think it might work tell me I wanna come

karen said...

that's too bad about the boat. hopefully next time will be sucessful. school should be starting soon? well, i guess that means work for you though. thake care, we love you tell dad hi and tell becki to let me read her blog!!