Thursday, August 21, 2008

first week of school

this is our first week, back to school and all we are doing is testing. The kids are so cute and some of them don't understand me, so they just grin and say si.
we have tested over 40 and can only keep 28. It is really hard, because you really want to keep them all. Well real school starts on Tuesday and then I'll be exhausted before the day is over. Burton and Heather just got back from Hawaii, the kids stayed with us and we had a great time, at least I did. Colton, Kaleb and McNeil are all playing on the same YNFL football team and they play every Saturday. Burts kids are all soccer whizes and play all the time. Kristopher is in Acapella at the Jr. High and is one of two eighth graders in the choir. Kaitlyln leaves Sunday for Rock Springs, to college and the rest are all going to school and getting smarter.


bonfufu said...

WOW! The girls start their Senior year on Monday!

karen said...

always a busy week the first one. its hard to go bakc, but happy at the same time. hope we live through another year

Pherf said...

Theirs 15 of us grandma but only boys not eighth grade girls