Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday morning and all is quiet, much has happend this month, summer vacation, trip to LV to attend Darleens deployment party. Scout camp for Colton, setting up the pool, Trek for Tanner and Tiara, Fathers Day and my 66th Birthday. ALREADY.. The trip to vegas was quick but good so glad that we went, just ron and I. When you get to be my age you want to have no regrets and so was so glad we were able to visit with the family and see Dee before she left for Afghanistan. She is a remarkable young lady and seems to be handling it well, some homesickness and even scary things to look forward to but very brave.

My bday came and went celebrated by going out to dinner and doing nothing else. Fathers day, those who live here came for dinner and we had a great time. Our numbers are growing, and I mean growing up and it is quite the gang. Colton went on a 3 day camp and worked on his survival skills, and Tanner and Tiara took a pioneer trek and pulled handcarts and slept out in the open and got plenty dirty. They pretty much tried to be like the handcart companies with everything they had in a handcart and pulling it 17 miles or so. It seemed to be a great experience for all. Also to make the month even greater, found out I am going to be a great grandmother for the first time(Karissa and Nate) and my sweet Becki will be having #3, both Becki and Karissa have been very sick, but hopefully this too shall pass. I have so much to ber greatful for. Can't forget that Mac also took a scout trip down the Green River they canoed and Mac is a little tired of the water. Cecilee went to Lake Powell for girls camp, can you imagine. The greatest news is Hunter is back hearing again, they fixed his implant and turned it back on this week, now he can hear us. The Box family has been truly blessed, God is looking over us and keeping us safe, but not without trials.

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